Selasa, 11 Februari 2014

story The Little Mermaid

Princess Ariel of "The Little Mermaid "

King Triton , King of the mighty oceans , have many daughters . They love the underwater world , where they live . But Ariel , youngest child , dreaming of a world above the water surface , the human world . Although his father had warned him not there , Ariel ignore . He often swam to the surface of the sea .

Ariel and her best friend , Flounder , Scuttle the pleasure of visiting seagulls . Scuttle tell them about all the human stuff that Ariel found on the seabed . One day Ariel Triton know that often go to the sea surface . Triton furious . He was worried about the safety of Ariel . So he asked friend confidant , Sebastian the crab , to oversee Ariel .
A few days later, Ariel saw no passing ships at sea . " Man ! " Ariel exclaimed as he quickly swam up to the boat . " Oh , no ," cried Sebastian . He quickly Ariel and Flounder chase .
When Ariel appeared on the surface of the water , he saw a big ship full of sailors singing and dancing . Ariel 's eyes glow when she saw the handsome young sailors are called Prince Eric . Ariel falls in love at first sight . Suddenly the sky darkened and lightning darting . Ship Prince Eric terrible storm no match for it . The ship swayed the waves and Prince Eric was thrown into the sea .
" I've got to save him ! " Cried Ariel . Prince grabbed nearly drowned , then he swam to shore . Erik Prince pulled up the sand . Prince Eric Ariel does not move when gently touched her face and sang a beautiful love song for her . Soon Ariel heard the Prince 's men looking for him . He did not want to be seen of men. So , kissed the Prince , and he quickly dived back into the sea .
Erik Prince awoke and found Sir Grimsby , faithful servant , at his side . " What happened ? " Ask Sir Grimsby . He delighted Prince Eric is still alive . " There is a girl , " said the Prince who still looked confused . " A girl I saved and singing . Her voice is so melodious . I have never heard the sound semerdu . I want to find that girl and I want to marry him ! " Apparently Prince Eric also has fallen in love .

King Triton was furious when he knows that Ariel falls in love with a human . He immediately swam to the cave where Ariel keeps a collection of his belongings . " Dad , I love him ! " Ariel said , " I want to be with " . " She's a human ! Fish eaters ! " Triton shouted , " No way! " He raised his magic trident . Samnbaran lightning - bolt destroyed all of Ariel 's special treasure . Then the King of the Ocean 's gone . Ariel covered her face and cried .
Meanwhile , not far away , an evil force is at work in the underwater kingdom . Ursula , the Sea Witch , who had ruled the kingdom under the sea before Triton , are looking for ways to overthrow Triton . Through the crystal ball , he could see that Ariel was crying . He got the idea , " I can beat her through the sea king . "
Ursula sent a pair of waiters eel , flotsam and jetsam , to cave Ariel . They managed to convince Ariel that Ursula could help her get her beloved prince . Ariel was so sad , to the point that he ignored warnings and went with Sebastian flotsam and jetsam to meet the Sea Witch .

" I have a proposition for you , sweet child , " said Ursula, when Ariel has entered the nest . " Bids " asked Ariel innocent . " Yes , " said the Witch , " I will make you into a human for three days and you will meet your prince . If you can get him to kiss you before the sun sets on the third day , you will be together forever , as humans . If she does not kiss you , you will turn back into a mermaid , and you will be my prisoner ! And the rewards for this bid is your voice , " said the witch . " My voice ," asked Ariel shocked , "I will not be able to speak or sing . How can I make the prince fall in love with me ? " . " You've still got a pretty face , " said Ursula .
ariel foot
After approving bids Ariel Ursula , the Sea Witch uses her magic powers . Surprising changes occur . Ariel 's tail disappeared . Now he's got two legs and be human . At the same time leave his body and his voice caught in a scallop . When he wants to find the Prince , Ariel helped her friends to the beach . He tried to talk to them , but no sound came out .
Soon Ariel meets Prince Erik , who has fallen in love with him since heard singing . At first Prince of thought has been reunited with the girl who once helped him . But Ariel could not speak , so the Prince thought he was mistaken . Prince Eric sorry for Ariel , who needs clothes , bathing , and eating . Carrying Ariel to the court .
ariel and prince
In the next two days , like Ariel Prince Eric , but he still misses the melodious voice girl . When was boating alone, already almost kiss Prince Eric Ariel . Unfortunately flotsam and jetsam reverse their boats . " That was close ! " Said Ursula, who witnessed everything through the crystal ball . " I have to act alone ! " Said Ursula . The Sea Witch and drinking magic potions and turn into a beautiful girl .
On the third morning , the palace became busy . Erik Prince will marry a girl who had just met . Poor Ariel . Erik Prince was enchanted . Ursula , who now appears as a beautiful girl , has been using Ariel's voice , which is stored in the shells and hung around his neck . Erik Prince thought she was the girl who saved him when his ship sank . Ariel was heartbroken .
beautiful girl
The wedding ceremony will take place aboard the new Prince Eric . Scuttle happened to fly across the ship , just as the bride passes a mirror . Shadow is reflected in a mirror image Sea Witch . Scuttle aware that Erik Prince has been duped . Quickly he explain this to his friends Ariel and others . Sebastian quickly formulate a plan . Help Flounder Ariel Prince Eric came on board . Scuttle the seagull flock of his set to delay the wedding . " I 'll tell Triton this, " said Sebastian .
The wedding of Prince Erik and the girl almost done , when a flock of gulls , led by Scuttle , slid down attacking the princess bride . Shouted bride . The sound that comes out is the sound of Sea Witch . Ariel climbed to the deck just as Scuttle had dropped shells containing Ariel's voice from the girl's neck . Shells were broken and Ariel's voice back to him .
" Oh , Prince Eric , I love you , " said Ariel . " Apparently it is you , " said Prince Eric . The sun disappeared in the west , just as they would be kissing . Period of three days given to Ariel had expired . He turns back into a mermaid , while the young girl turned into a Sea Witch . Ursula grabbed Ariel and plunged into the sea .
Thanks notification Sebastian , Triton Ursula was waiting in the nest when they got there . " I let go of your son if you want to be instead , " said Ursula . Triton agrees . Now Triton is a prisoner of Ursula , replacing Ariel . Ursula has a magic trident Triton and master underwater kingdom . Suddenly a piercing shoulder blade Ursula . Apparently Prince Eric came to the rescue Ariel . Ariel swam to the surface with him . But Ursula follow right behind them . Along with increasing anger , his body was getting bigger , until it appears to the top
sea ​​level .
ursula angry
Prince Eric swam toward the ship , then immediately go up . She grabbed the wheel and aimed his ship into Ursula 's body . Just when Ursula will send a bolt of lightning toward death with a trident Ariel , Prince Eric boat hit it . The evil Sea Witch had been destroyed .

Because the Sea Witch is dead , Triton -free . He appeared on the sea surface by holding trident . Dilihatnay Ariel Prince Eric was staring with a look of love . " Ariel really loves her , yes , " said the King of the Ocean to Sebastian at her side . Sebastian nodded . " I'm going to miss her , " Triton added , then lifted his magic trident and aimed toward the tail lightning magic Ariel .
The Mermaid tail disappeared and once again he had legs . Ariel is now a man . Prince Eric was kissing the girl he loves it . Soon they were married and sail together .

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