Selasa, 04 Februari 2014

Snow White

Snow white
Narrator: One day, a king and queen ruled a distant land. One winter day, the Queen is doing needlework while looking through the window, when the bird flew with the Queen and her gaze piercing his finger. A drop of blood fell on the snow outside the window. When he saw the blood on the snow he says.
Queen: Oh, how I wish that I had a daughter whose skin white as snow, lips as red as blood, and hair black as ebony.
Narrator: Queen gets his wish when she gave birth to a baby girl who was white as snow, lips red as blood, and hair black as ebony. They named her Snow White, but sadly, the queen died. Soon after, the king married a beautiful new woman, but proud and cruel. He has studied dark magic and has a magic mirror, in which he would ask every day.
Evil queen: mirror, magic mirror who is the most powerful of them all?.
Mirror: You, my queen, the most powerful of them all.
Evil queen: good, magic mirror who is the most beautiful of them all?.
Mirror: You, my queen, the most beautiful of them all.
Narrator: The evil queen fun. She knew that her magical mirror could speak only the truth. One morning the wicked Queen asked.
Evil Queen: Mirror, mirror magic, who is the most beautiful of them all?.
Mirror: You, my queen, the most beautiful, it's true. But Snow White is even more beautiful than you.
Narrator: evil queen angry and ordered her huntsman to take Snow White into the woods to be killed.
Evil queen: Go to the forest, take the girl and kill her! And as proof, bring me his heart! Ha, ha, ha, ha
Huntsman: Yes, Queen, I will do as you say.
Narrator: The poor hunters bring Snow White to the forest, but the huntsman did not kill him. Then the hunter kills a deer and takes him to the evil queen.
Huntsman: Here, the Queen, I did what you told me. Take heart.
Evil queen: Ha, ha, ha, ha, now, I am the most beautiful of them all!
Narrator: Meanwhile, Snow White in the forest.
Snow White: Oh, I was alone in the great forest, I do not know what to do.
Narrator: Then he began to run. And when the night is almost falling, he saw a small house and went inside.
Snow White: Oh, this house is so pretty. Everything is so small and clean.
Narrator: Snow White then look no food on the table
Snow White: I'm so hungry. I will eat vegetables and a little bit of bread from each little plate and from each cup I'll drink a little milk.
Narrator: Because he's so tired, he lay down on one of the small bed and fell asleep. After dark, the owner came home. They were seven dwarfs who worked the gold mined in the mountains. Once they arrived home, they saw that someone had been there.
Dopey: Who has been sitting in my chair?
Sneezy: Who has been eating from my plate?
Bashful: Who has been eating my bread?
Sleepy: Who has been eating my vegetables?
Happy: Who has been eating with my fork?
Grumpy: Who has been drinking from my cup?
Narrator: But the seventh, seeing his bed, found Snow White lying there asleep.
Doc: Look over here, come quick!
Narrator: The seven dwarfs all came running, and they cried out with wonder.
7 Dwarves: Oh, good heaven! This boy is gorgeous!
Narrator: They do not wake him, but let him continue to sleep in the bed. The next morning Snow White woke up, and when he saw the seven dwarves she was frightened.
Snow White: Oh, no!
Dopey: Do not be afraid of us. What is your name?
Snow White: My name is Snow White.
Sneezy: How do you find the way to our house?
Snow White: My stepmother tried to kill me, and meyuruh hunters to kill me, but hunters let me free and I berjalankan surround the forest, I finally arrived at your home.
Narrator: The dwarves spoke with each other for a while and then said.
Dopey: If you want to stay at home for us, you have to cook, make beds, wash, sew, and knit, and keep everything clean and orderly, then you can stay with us, and you will have everything you want .
Snow White: Yes, with all my heart.
Narrator: So Snow White lived happily with the dwarves. Every morning they go to the mountains in search of gold, and in the evening when they return home Snow White had their meals prepared and their homes clean
Each Snow White left alone, the snow white dwarves often give advice:
7 Dwarfs: "Be careful on your stepmother, she will know that you're here. Never let anyone into the house."
Meanwhile, at the palace.
Evil Queen: Mirror, mirror, on the wall, Who in this land is the most beautiful of all?
Mirror: You, my evil queen, beautiful, it's true. But Snow White, beyond the mountains to the seven dwarfs, still a thousand times more beautiful than you.
Evil queen: Now I understand! Oh, hunters deceiving me ... I have to think of something.
Narrator: He was thinking hard to kill Princess Salu, as long as he is not the most beautiful woman among all, jealousy will not be able to make him rest in peace. Finally he was getting a plan, he disguises his face and wearing clothing commonly worn by older women so that no one could recognize him. In disguise, he through seven mountains until finally arriving at the house belonged to seven dwarfs.
Evil queen: "Good stuff for sale! Good stuff for sale!"
Snow White: "Good afternoon, what are you selling?"
Evil queen "Good stuff, assorted colors Ribbon" and he then handed a ribbon made of silk.
Snow white "I do not have to be afraid to let this old lady came in," thought Snow White, and then he opened the door and buy a beautiful ribbon.
Evil queen "How beautiful you are, my boy!, Come here and let me help you to put this tape."
Snow unsuspecting, standing in front of him and let the old woman for her ribbon pair, but the old woman quickly grabbed up Snow White with ribbon and Snow White fell as if dead.
Evil queen: "It's time you stop a beautiful woman,"
Narrator: Not long after that, towards evening, the dwarves came home, and they were all surprised to see Salu daughter lying on the ground, not moving, and they picked it up and when they saw the tape wrapped around the neck of Snow White, and then they cut it Snow breathe again. When the dwarfs heard the story of Snow White. Dwarf to four
Sleepy : "The old woman who became a vendor, must be none other than the evil queen, you should be careful when we're not here!"
Narrator: When the evil queen arrives at the house and asked the Mirror:
Evil Queen: "Mirror on the wall, Who is the fairest among all?"
Mirror: "Queen, although almost incomparable beauty, Snow White who lives in a small house along with seven dwarfs, a thousand times more beautiful."
When I heard the answer, he was surprised to know that Snow White is still alive.
Evil queen: "Now, I have to think of other ways to destroy Snow White."
Narrator And with her magic, she made a poisonous comb. Then he disguised as an old woman to another. Then went across the seven mountains and the seven dwarfs came home.
Evil queen: "Good stuff for sale! Good stuff for sale!"
Snow white, "Go, I will not allow anyone to enter."
Evil queen: "But you are not forbidden to have a look,"
Narrator: the old woman issued a poisoned comb and holding it. The comb is very seductive Snow White so she finally opened the door and bought the comb.
Evil queen: "Now, your hair should be combed properly."
Narrator: Snow unfortunate not think that there is danger-danger, let the woman combing her hair, and shortly thereafter, comb the poison began to work, and Snow was falling helplessly.
Evil queen: "This is the end for you,"
Narrator: evil queen passed. Fortunately it was almost evening and the dwarves go home shortly after the incident. When they saw Snow White lying on the ground as dead, they immediately think that this is an act of evil stepmother. Eventually they pull comb the hair still attached in Snow White and the time and even then Snow White awoke, and told all the events that happened. The dwarves warned him to be more careful and do not ever let anyone enter.
When the queen got home, she stood in front of the mirror and say.
Evil Queen: "Mirror on the wall, Who is the fairest among all?"
Mirror: "Queen, although almost incomparable beauty, Snow White who lives in a small house along with seven dwarfs, a thousand times more beautiful."
Narrator: When the queen heard this, he was shaking with rage.
Evil queen: "Snow White must die, although I also have to die!"
Narrator: Then he went into his secret room and there he made a poison apple. Apples are beautiful and seductive, white and red. Anyone who saw it and those who are tempted to eat it though slight, would die of poisoning. When the apple was ready, he went back undercover and dressed like a peasant woman, then he crossed the seven mountains where the seven dwarfs lived. And when he knocked on the door, Snow White stuck his head through the window and said,
Snow white: "I do not dare let anyone in, the seven dwarfs has banned me."
Evil queen: "Well, I just wanted to give an apple to you."
Snow white "No, I dare not take anything."
"Are you afraid of poison?" asked the woman, "Look, I'll divide this into two parts apple, you will get the red part, and my part is white."
The apple made with cleverly, so that part is the part that toxic red. Snow White's beauty will be tempted apple, and when she saw the peasant woman eating apple parts, Snow White becomes not take it anymore, he stretched out his hand and took the poisonous piece of apple. Not long after he ate the apple, she fell and apparently died. The evil queen, laughing loudly
Evil queen: "White as snow, red as blood, black as ebony! These times, dwarves can not turn your back."
Narrator: Then he went home and asked her mirror,
Evil Queen: Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who in this country is the most beautiful of all?
Mirror: You, my queen, the most beautiful of all.
Narrator: When the dwarves came home that night they found the snow lying on the ground.
Bashful: Snow White, wake up, what happened to you.
Sleepy: He does not breathe at all. He's dead!
Narrator: They picked it up and looked at him for a long time.
Happy: Snow White, wake up, talk to us, please.
Narrator: But nothing helped. He was already dead. They laid on a bed of straw, and the seven dwarves sat beside him and cried for three days. They will bury him, but he still looked fresh as a living person, and still has a pretty red cheeks.
Grumpy: We can not bury him in the black earth.
Doc: Let's make a transparent glass coffin made, so we can see it from all sides.
Narrator: And they did, then they put it in the crate.
Dopey: We have to put the coffin outside on a mountain, and one of us will always stay with it and keep an eye on him.
7 Dwarves: Yes, we will do that.
Narrator: One day a prince entered these woods. He saw the coffin on the mountain with beautiful Snow White on the inside.
Prince: Let me have the coffin. I will give you whatever you want to it.
Doc : We will not sell it for all the gold in the world.
Prince: Then give it to me. I can not live without her.
Narrator: The dwarves are either feel sorry for him and gave him the coffin.
Grumpy : Take good care, we will always love him.
Prince: I'll keep it. He will be my most prized possessions.
Narrator: The prince's servants carry the coffins away on their shoulders. But then it happened that one of them tripped on the bushes.
Prince: Be careful, watch your step. I will never forgive you if something happened to him.
Narrator: But this is separated from the throat Snow White a poisoned apple pieces. She opened her eyes, lifted the lid of the coffin, sat down, and come back to life.
Snow White: where am I?
Prince: You with me. I love you! Come with me to my father's castle. You will be my wife.
Narrator: At the time snow falls in love with her. Their wedding was planned with great pomp and grandeur. Wicked queen was invited to the wedding, but before leaving the palace, he asked her mirror.
Evil Queen: Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who in this country is the most beautiful of all?
Mirror: You, my queen, beautiful, it's true. But the young queen is a thousand times more beautiful than you.
Evil queen: I have to see that for myself!
Narrator: When he arrived at the wedding, she saw Snow White.
Evil queen: No! You `re dead! You `re dead!
Prince: Take this woman out of the ground!
Guard: Yes, Prince.
Narrator: And no one sees the evil queen again. And Snow White and the Prince live happily ever after.

-The End-

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